The easiest way to style your editor is by applying your theme’s stylesheet, making content look the same while editing as it does in your content.
The easiest way to style your editor is by applying your theme’s stylesheet, making content look the same while editing as it does in your content.
Closures (also known as Anonymous Functions) can be called by WordPress Actions or Filters instead of specifying a named function and can lead to cleaner code and escape from callback hell.
Making your WordPress site serve all content over SSL / HTTPS is surprisingly easy and can be done in a matter of minutes.
Sometimes you reeeeeally want your filter to run last and you can use this code to make sure it does!
Installing all locales available on your system is surprisingly easy and can be done in three commands.
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After much Googling and research, what follows is code that adds favicons to your site in all browsers that are young enough to not be allowed into bars.
Using a project’s to generate a GitHub page is surprisingly easy. Why write content twice?
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PHP currently has more than 5,000 functions; like “Learn a Word a Day”, PHP FOTD selects a new PHP function every day so 5,000 isn’t so intimidating!
Ever wished you could do something like [shortcode epic]
and pass the flag as a parameter? Turns out it’s pretty easy!
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Recently I had to find a way to turn strings into colors — it was an interesting problem and this is how I solved it.